Wayne’s Story

“In 2006, my boss, the head winemaker pulled me aside and asked me if I was willing to go to the wine college and go through some tests to see what I had learnt working in the Cellar. It was a bit scary but it looked like I might earn more. “I had alrady been […]

Christelle September

It’s red wine making time. On the second day of this red wine fermentation, Christelle shows what all hands on deck means, showing her punch down skills, breaking through the new cap of grape skins. This process ensures that the yeast has constant contact with both liquid must (the sugar-laden juice) and the color and […]

The Kate Jambela Story

Kate’s first ‘wine’ was made by her mother from sugar cane juice. The ‘wine’ was sold in the neighboring Zulu villages for housekeeping money. Kate grew up in the small town of Dundee in Zululand, South Africa, the daughter and builder’s apprentice of an immigrant Saudi Arabian house builder. Kate’s only brother was the last […]

Carmen Stevens Foundation 

Would you like to be a future Carmen Stevens? To have your own winery, make wine with your own brand, and change hundreds of lives at the same time?  Who knows how many future Carmens are out there in the tough parts of Cape Town? Getting an important step up in life could be what […]

Capitalist without capital

Manelisi grows his organic vegetables in the Cape Town township of Gugulethu. He sells them to residents of smart suburbs nearer Table Mountain during the afternoons, while his children weed his Sauvignon Blanc vineyard after school. Manelisi Mapukata is the only vinegrower in the townships and is probably the only wine farmer who is entirely […]